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Because unresolved personal issues can affect every aspect of one’s life, including work performance, Olympic Steel automatically provides you and your family with an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Health Advocate, at no cost to you. Call the EAP 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for confidential assistance with nearly any personal matter you may be experiencing.

Health Advocate is the provider of Olympic Steel’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Health Advocate provides the following resources to you and your family members at no cost:

Mental health counseling

Each family member receives a combined five telephonic, in-person or virtual visits per year at no charge. If additional counseling is needed, Health Advocate will assist transitioning you to a Anthem BCBS network provider.

Work/Life Balance

Health Advocate will assist with locating childcare, eldercare, special needs and other services within your community

Financial and Legal Resources

  • Resources are available to assist with debt management, budgeting, credit report issues and financial guidance.
  • Assistance finding attorneys to assist with custody issues, divorce, wills and Power of Attorney, health directives to name a few

Everyday stress can be overwhelming.

Our experts provide confidential help 24/7 and the right resources to help you and your family find balance no matter where you are in life.

All at no cost to you.

Phone: 1-877-240-6863

Download the app today!

Health Advocate is available at no cost to employees, spouses, dependents, parents, and parents-in-law. Completely confidential. In crisis, help is available 24/7.